Member ApplicationSUTHERLAND SHIRE SPORT FLYING ASSOCIATION INC Membership Application 2024-2025.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are you a New Member? *YesNoName (Your full name will appear on your badge) *FirstLastAddress *Suburb *Postcode *Email AddressVehicle Registration NumberPlease provide the registration plate details of the vehicle you are most likely to utilise to drive to our Garrawarra Field (Insurance purposes).Date of Birth *Home PhoneMobile Phone (Required for Club contact and Safety) * Spouse/Partner's NameAustralian Pension Card NoMAAA No *MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY AND FEES *A. Senior (over 18 years also see note 1) $290B. Pensioner (see note 2) $230C. Junior (under 18 yr) $90D. Associate (see note 3) $150E. Associate Pensioner (see note 3) $90F. Non-Flying Social $25Notes: 1. Club communications will be by email. Please advise the Secretary promptly if there is any change to your home address or your email address. 2. If you are renewing as a Pensioner or Associate Pensioner you must quote your Australian Pension Card Number. 3. Only Full Members and Full Pensioner Members can be nominated for committee positions.SSSFA Bank Details: Sutherland Credit Union. BSB: 824 000 Account Number: 33008908 *I have included my Last Name in the deposit detailsI have included my MAAA Card number in the deposit detailsPAYMENT DATE *Are you or have you been a Member of any other MAAA affiliated club? * NoYesIf Yes, which club?Do you hold a Bronze, Silver or Gold Wings Rating ? * YesNoNOTE: Silver Wings are required for SOLO flight at SSSFA.DECLARATION: * YesNoDECLARATION: 1. I agree to be aware of, to observe and to abide by the SSSFA Field Safety Rules (Copy of which is available on the Club website). * 2. The SSSFA Constitution (Copy of which is available on the Club website). * 3. Reasonable directions from committee members and club instructors. *CommentsADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERS Late Renewals - If Membership Fees are not paid by 1st July, you are not financially current or insured, and therefore, can neither fly at our fields, nor vote at the AGM. In line with the Department of Fair Trading to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009, Schedule 1, members have 3 months from June 30th to renew their membership. If membership is not paid by September 30th, the member will be removed from the SSSFA's membership register. If the member then wishes to re-join after three years has lapsed, he/she will be treated as a new member. © Copyright - Sutherland Shire Sport Flying AssociationEmailSubmit